The weather was stormy Monday night, April 20th. We had a tornado warning for Surry County. I wasn't sleeping good that night and I was extremely uncomfortable. I remember asking myself, "Will this be the night when Chase arrives?" Around 11:00 PM on Monday after trying to fall asleep for the past hour, I felt a small gush of liquid; but, I wasn't sure if my water had actually broke since it wasn't a bigger gush. I wasn't feeling any contractions at that point, so I tried to go back to sleep and tell myself that the gush of liquid was probably just drainage or maybe even pee from all of the pressure Chase was putting on my bladder. After another hour or so went by, I continued to feel a small "leak," so I got up and walked around the house. By 3 AM, I started to feel contractions. The contractions weren't consistent, but they were strong enough to alarm me that this was the "real deal." I called my OB/GYN office around 4 AM and they told me to go to the hospital.
Tim and I arrived at Riverside Hospital around 5 AM Tuesday morning, April 21st. Chase and I were both hooked up to monitors for fetal heartbeat and contractions. My contractions were starting to get more painful, but still not close enough together for the nurses to believe I was in labor. I was about 4 cm dilated. I told them I thought my water had broke so they tested me to see if any traces of amniotic fluid were present in the birthing canal. The test came back negative leading me to believe that all of this was just a false alarm and I'd be sent home. Dr. Yonker arrived at Riverside around 7 AM. She did an ultrasound and saw that the amniotic fluid level was low, which meant that one of the upper sacs of water had ruptured, but Chase's head was blocking the flow of the liquid causing me to feel a leak rather than a gush.
At that point, there was no turning back....I was going to be a mommy in the near future! The nurses checked me into a delivery room and I was given pitocin to induce stronger, more consistent contractions. Dr. Yonker came in and manually broke the remaining sacs of water....this time, I really did feel a gush! The pitocin was gradually working on me, but it was still taking me forever to dilate. It was such a long day! Little did we know, that it would only drag out to be even longer.
Thank God for epidurals! The pitocin was bringing on pretty strong contractions off and on all day. I had tried another anesthetic earlier in the day, but it did very little to ease the discomfort. By that afternoon, I still wasn't fully dilated. My parents and Tim's parents came to visit us, hoping for a grandson really soon. The nurses would check me every hour or so to see if I had dilated any more, and I still wasn't quite there. My cervix had a lip on it that just wouldn't give enough for me to start pushing. By 10:00 PM, our parents were still with us. Everyone was growing tired and a little concerned. Chase's heartbeat had spiked a few times and then went extremely low. I remember being so tired and anxious at that point that I started crying. Fortunately, our parents were there to cheer me up and help time pass. My mom said a prayer to help calm and remind me that God was watching over me. I remember our parents cracking jokes and saying any "off the wall" statement they could to ease the tension and lighten up the moment. It definitely helped and made us all laugh. I'm surprised we didn't get kicked out of the hospital with as loud as we got at some times! Everyone was making bets on how big Chase would be and when the exact time of his arrival would occur.
Finally by midnight, which ironically marked Chase's official due date (April 22nd), it was time for me to start pushing. I had to push and hold for 10 seconds three times with each contraction. It didn't seem too hard at first, but two hours later, I was completely exhausted. The nurses had me in every position possible trying to push in hopes of inching Chase out even more. I thought for sure I'd have to have a C-section, but Dr. Yonker saw no need for one since my blood pressure and the fetal heartbeat were all normal. Slowly, but surely, Chase was on his way into the world. He was stuck in my pelvic region for the longest time, but he finally made progress with each push. For the last hour or so, we could actually see Chase's head. It was bruised and a little cone-shaped. I was in complete agony trying to get that little cone-shaped head out! I remember pushing until I thought my insides were going to explode. Poor Tim was coaching me every step of the way and never left my side except to get ice and cold wet towels since I was burning up. I remember telling the nurses and doctors that I didn't think I could push anymore because I was so tired, but they all kept cheering me on. It was almost an out of body experience for me. I remember every one's voices sounding so distant and it was like I was stuck in a time warp.
Finally, at 2:19 AM, Chase Luke Breeden entered the world at a whopping 8 lbs, 1 oz and 22 inches long. I remember Dr. Yonker holding him up for me to see him for the first time. Tears poured down my face as I gave Tim the biggest hug of relief that we had finally brought our son into the world. The next few hours (or days, for that matter) were a whirlwind to me. I remember being moved to a post-delivery room and the nurses handing Chase to me after he had been cleaned, weighed, clothed, etc. I was completely exhausted and couldn't believe that I had this little life in my hands! What a blessing!
My parents, my grandmothers, Tim's parents, my sisters, the Ackley's (our neighbors) and Barbara Sanders all came by to give us warm wishes while we were still in the hospital. I also received several phone calls and text messages from friends. In between visitors, I was trying to master the art of breastfeeding. It got off to a horrible start since Chase didn't latch on very well at first. I was extremely sore and discouraged. Fortunately, a lactation consultant helped out before we were discharged from the hospital on Friday.
The first night at home was very difficult. I remember being an emotional wreck wanting to cry every time Chase did. Tim and I didn't get much sleep that first night. I'm so glad I had Tim to help keep me calm. Plus, Tim is like a Diaper Genie! He has changed just as many diapers as I have. I'm so thankful to have a husband who isn't afraid to dive into parenthood with me. Fortunately, things have gotten better for all three of us with time. Here we are now two weeks later and I'm actually getting some sleep! Breastfeeding has gotten so much easier and Chase is plumping out into a healthy baby. He had almost gained back all of his weight last Monday, so we're anxious to see how much he'll weigh at this Friday's appointment with the pediatrician.
Speaking of pediatricians, I'm very thrilled with ours, Dr. Baust. He is a young, energetic, compassionate doctor. Thankfully, Pam (my mother-in-law) went with me to the first appointment last Monday. We even managed to make a trip to Babies-R-Us while we were out. It gave me the courage that it's possible to take Chase out at such a young age, even though I've been hanging around the house as much as possible to avoid overexposing Chase so early in life. To avoid cabin fever, Tim and I have been taking Chase out for strolls almost everyday since the weather has been so gorgeous! Who would have thought we'd have 90-degree weather in April?! Fortunately, we're back down in the 70's and 80's this week so that it's not so blazing hot so soon.
All in all, Chase is a good baby. Rarely does he go for long spells of crying (praise the LORD!). When he persistently cries, it's usually because he's hungry, gassy, or needs a diaper change. His late night/early morning feedings aren't too exhausting for me (praise the LORD again!) since he usually goes right back to sleep after eating and getting his diaper change. At the most, I lose an hour of sleep per feeding, but most of the time it's only a half hour of sleep lost. I hope this isn't just beginner's luck and that things will continue this route when I return to work.
Family and friends have definitely helped to make this time of transition easier for us. Pam has spent a couple nights with us helping out with household chores and keeping Chase content. My mom, Amber, Laurie, and friends have been by to bring really does help to have food already prepared during those first few days at home!
It's hard to believe that Chase is already 2 weeks old! I don't know where these past few days have gone. He is changing so much with each day. He doesn't even look like the same baby that was handed to me in the hospital. Tim and I can't believe that we created such a beautiful little boy (of course we're biased). He has the cutest chubby cheeks! We love his light blond peach fuzz and dark blue eyes. His legs are long and skinny, but are starting to fill out. His little belly is starting to get frog-like, which means he's getting plenty to eat. I just love him to pieces!
What a beautiful blessing from God.....can't wait to share more adventures of "Baby Breeden" as he grows!