I can hardly believe that I'm down to just a few hours left at home with Chase before I return to work. He is now 9 1/2 weeks old, 12 pounds, and 23 1/2 inches long. He survived his round of shots last week with few side effects. What a blessing my time off from work has been! Chase and I have bonded so well that it's going to be very hard for me to leave him tomorrow to return to work. We've really enjoyed these past couple of months together. We got to see many friends and relatives, and do so many fun things. However, I still can't say that my time off from work was a complete vacation or cakewalk. It had some very challenging times learning how to soothe Chase when he cried and master midnight feedings on just a few hours of sleep. But, we've come a long ways since day one and I know things will only get even better with time. Chase is sleeping through most nights, and I hope and pray tonight will be a continuance of that since I'd like to be as well-rested as possible for my return to work. I'm anxious to see what these next few days will bring as we transition into the work routine. I still can't stress enough just how thankful I am to have my mother and sister taking care of Chase while I'm working. It gives me an enormous amount of peace knowing that Chase will be in the loving, caring hands of my family. Nonetheless, this is still a hard night for me. I can't help but to fight back tears in thinking that I'll only have a few hours to spend with Chase each day from now on....we'll just have to make the best of those hours!
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