It's the final countdown until Chase's arrival! Everything is in place in the nursery.....we just need a baby to fill it now! The last two pictures are of the crib and changing table. The first picture is of the rocking chair that my mom painted and gave to us on Easter Sunday. I know you're probably thinking, "big deal, it's just an old rocking chair....gliders are way better anyhow." Let it be known that this rocking chair is very sentimental because it was the same rocking chair that my mom rocked my sisters and I in when we were babies. It used to be a dark brown mahogany color but my mom sanded it down and painted it white for me. She did a beautiful job! She also made cushions to go with it that have really cute fish print on them. Also, you probably can't tell in the picture, but she used a portion of the invitation from the baby shower that Amber through me and pasted it on the top of the rocking chair with the following Bible verse from Zephaniah 3:17: "The LORD your God is with you, He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with his love, He will rejoice over you with singing." Tim and I are so blessed to have such artistic and spiritual moms!
So, when is Chase going to arrive into the world? That's the million dollar question! At Wednesday's doctor's appointment, Dr. Yonker examined me and said that I was about 3 cm dilated. I was having contractions right then as she was examining me. However, none of my contractions have been the real deal yet, but I have noticed that I'm feeling more of them lately. Praise God, Dr. Yonker wrote me out of work for the remainder of the pregnancy. Physically, I could still work, but the mental anguish of not knowing when Chase is going to arrive was just making it too hard to focus at work. Plus, I do have a little bit of a walk to get to my building, which requires me going up and down about five flights of steel stairs and walking through a construction zone. The last thing I need to do is trip and fall going up or down steel stairs being this far along! I'm so thankful to be home at this point to enjoy the remaining days of peace and quiet.
Truth be told, I haven't been resting as much as I should. I've been cleaning up around the house, shopping, walking Dexter, and doing lots of other things....I guess this is my way of doing my final "nesting." It's been wonderful being at home though! The weather has been gorgeous and I did manage to sneak a few breaks where I went outside and read in a lounge chair for a while.
Anyways, the physical discomfort of being in the final stages of pregnancy really hasn't been bad at all....a few restless nights trying to get comfortable and fall into a deep sleep in between having to pee so much, but that's ok. Also, lots of pressure and weight bearing down in my pelvic region makes some of the simple tasks in life a little challenging, but I'm not complaining. I think the worse part is trying to be patient. I keep reminding myself that Chase will come all in God's timing. "My times are in your hand....." -Psalms 31:15. I hope my next blog posting will be a rendition of the delivery and include pictures of Chase!
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