Wow....what a month it has been! My life has completely changed in the past 4 weeks and now revolves around this 9-pound bundle of joy. Tim and I are enjoying the blessings of parenthood. Chase is such a good baby, and I'm not just saying that because he's mine. He's becoming more predictable with feeding and sleeping schedules. We have somewhat of a routine established. I've been able to go out more during these past two weeks without being afraid of how he will react outside of home. He usually sleeps the entire time we're on the go. His carseat typically puts him to sleep whether we're going for a ride in the car or a stroll around the block.
Chase is growing like a weed. His last pediatrician appointment put him at 8 lbs, 12 oz, so I know he is over the 9 lb mark by now. He is such a strong little boy. He can lift his head for a couple seconds at a time and his hands have such a strong grip...Tim and I love it when he holds our fingers in his little hands. I also love all of the cute noises he makes when he eats and sleeps. I'm completely entertained just watching him sleep and listening to him breathe.
Motherhood is awesome....exhausting at times, yes, but still a gift from God. My first Mother's Day was wonderful. Tim treated me to dinner, roses (see picture #4), and a sweet card from him and Chase. "Mommy" is doing well. Breastfeeding has become less cumbersome. I'm thrilled to have survived the first month being able to exclusively breastfeed. Chase has only had 2 oz. of formula during his life and that was the first night we brought him home because I was so exhausted and drained (literally and figuratively). Nursing has been a great bonding experience and has become better with time. Also, it has helped me get back down to my pre-pregnancy weight. I still have about four pounds to go, but I'm thankful to have bounced back as quickly as I have up to this point.
Surprisingly, I'm getting a decent amount of sleep. I usually get an accumulative 7-8 hours of sleep, even though it's interrupted by a couple of feedings. Hopefully by the time I return to work, Chase will be sleeping through the majority of the night. I think he is already well on his way to doing that now.
Chase goes for his Hepatitis shot this Friday....not looking forward to it, but thankful for immunizations. This weekend, we'll be out of town for my cousin's wedding. I'm a little nervous about traveling that far with Chase, but my family will be there to help Tim and me. It will be yet another adventure with Baby Breeden to talk about in my next posting.
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