Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Things Falling into Place

(This paragraph was also posted on Facebook.) We have a babysitter! I confirmed that my mom is cutting back her hours at her night-shift nursing job (as an RN) so that she can take care of Chase full time during the workweek. My older sis Dawn will be taking care of Chase for an hour or so on the mornings when there is an overlap time between when my mom will get off from her nursing job to when she can arrive at my sister's house. Dawn doesn't have to be at her job until about 8 or 9, so Chase will thankfully be covered during those early morning hours. Our plan is to drop Chase off at Dawn's house around 7:00 AM in Newport News before work and pick him up there around 4:30 PM in the afternoon. This is a huge answer to our prayers because there is nobody we can trust more to take care of Chase than our own family! Plus, my sister's house is only a half hour from our house and it's only about 15 minutes from work....not too far of a drive for us, which is awesome! A special thanks to my mom and sister for their willingness to take care of our little one! Another bonus to this situation is that Chase will get to grow up with his cousins (Dawn's girls/my nieces), because my mom will be taking care of all of her grandchildren together during the workweek. Praise God!

Tim and I took the hospital tour at Riverside Hospital on January 8th, so we're registered there and know what to expect when the big day comes. On the other hand, most of the child preparation classes at Riverside were filled up and they required a rather pricey fee; but, Dawn hooked us up with one of her co-workers who is certified to teach such classes. As a result, we're having a one-on-one session with the instructor this Saturday here at our house (for free too!). The instructor will be going over childbirth and baby basics.

The nursery is falling into place one step at a time. As you saw in my last post, the mural is almost done. Tim is working on installing ceiling fans in the nursery and our other spare bedroom now. I've started cleaning out all of the closets and bagging things to go up in the attic so that we'll have room for baby things.

We've registered at Babies R Us and Target. I'm still not done with the Target registry since I started it online and haven't actually been to the store yet. However, I feel relieved that things are gradually falling into place.

Chase seems to be healthy and kicking up a storm in my belly! I can't believe how much he's grown! I'm really starting to look and feel pregnant now.....never thought it would be difficult to shave my legs, put on my shoes, and paint my toenails until here recently!

My next posting will probably be in February (or as soon as I hear the results from the glucose test I'll have to take on Jan. 30th). These next few months are going to fly by with all of the doctors appointments, nesting, and baby showers!

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