Tim's mom painting fish: the fish are the finishing touch to the mural....she's almost done!
Dolphins swimming around....can you imagine how intrigued Chase will be staring at all of the cool stuff painted in the mural?!!

More Colorful Coral

The mommy and daddy-to-be

The mommy-to-be looking rounder by the day!

More Colorful Coral

The mommy and daddy-to-be

The mommy-to-be looking rounder by the day!

Happy New Year to all of my fellow bloggers! Tim and I had a wonderful Christmas and New Year’s. It was so nice to have a break from work, and we enjoyed spending time with family. We received so many nice gifts for Christmas—in fact, Chase got a lot of nice things too! In addition to Chase’s Christmas gifts, my neighbor who had a baby boy back in October has been giving us all of the baby clothes as her son is outgrowing them. We feel like we’re off to a good start on accumulating baby supplies, but there is still a lot left for us to buy. We registered at Babies R Us on Friday—had a good time scanning everything on our wish list! Our next big task is to get furniture. We have a few cribs and dressers in mind, but haven’t purchased anything yet. Tim’s mom came up with a great idea to use our hallway closet (which is huge—it was initially intended for a washer and dryer) as a changing station, so that would be a great way for us to save space in the nursery and keep the changing table and diapers stowed away elsewhere. The closet is right next to the nursery/bedroom door, so it’s conveniently located too. In order to implement Pam’s great idea, we have to make a home for all of the stuff that is currently in the closet. So much to do in the remaining three months!
Chase has definitely hit a growth spurt (and so have I). I went from only feeling a few flutters just a month ago to feeling strong kicks and punches now. It is such a blessing to feel those signs of life! Tim has been enjoying feeling his son move around too. Sometimes when I fall asleep on the couch or in bed while Tim is still awake, Tim will place his hand on my belly and feel Chase moving around even when I’m unaware of it. Too cool! I’m thankful to have a husband who is just as excited to have a baby as I am!
What a busy week! We went on the Riverside Hospital tour for expectant parents Thursday night. I’m all registered to deliver there and we’ve been prepped on what to expect when the big day comes. We also have a pediatrician squared away—Dr. Baust at Peninsula Pediatrics in Port Warwick. (Thanks for all of your great recommendations!) I had my 6-month check-up on Friday. Chase’s heartbeat is going strong and my blood pressure and weight are still doing great (with the exception of two extra pounds I gained from all of the holiday munching I did during the last month). My next OB visit on January 30th will entail glucose testing for gestational diabetes, so I’m hoping and praying everything will be normal. After Jan. 30th, I’ll start seeing my OB every two weeks, and I’ll have my next ultrasound at 32 weeks.
We still haven’t gotten the childcare situation completely ironed out, but I trust God will provide the perfect person to fill that important position. My grandmother opted out of babysitting all together (she was originally going to cover Tuesdays and Thursdays)—I think she is afraid to bite off more than she can chew since she is almost 83 years old. There is a possibility my mom will take care of Chase full-time (Mondays-Fridays) since she says she is cutting her night-shift nursing job back to part-time hours (versus the full-time hours she’s currently working). In doing so, she would also be taking care of my two nieces along with Chase—which would be great bonding time with her grandchildren, and it would be awesome for my sister and me since we know Mom would be such a great, trustworthy babysitter. So, we’ll see what happens there. In the meantime, I’m still searching for other potential babysitters just in case the situation with my mom falls through.
That’s enough of a novel for now. I’ll post again at seven months or sooner.
Chase has definitely hit a growth spurt (and so have I). I went from only feeling a few flutters just a month ago to feeling strong kicks and punches now. It is such a blessing to feel those signs of life! Tim has been enjoying feeling his son move around too. Sometimes when I fall asleep on the couch or in bed while Tim is still awake, Tim will place his hand on my belly and feel Chase moving around even when I’m unaware of it. Too cool! I’m thankful to have a husband who is just as excited to have a baby as I am!
What a busy week! We went on the Riverside Hospital tour for expectant parents Thursday night. I’m all registered to deliver there and we’ve been prepped on what to expect when the big day comes. We also have a pediatrician squared away—Dr. Baust at Peninsula Pediatrics in Port Warwick. (Thanks for all of your great recommendations!) I had my 6-month check-up on Friday. Chase’s heartbeat is going strong and my blood pressure and weight are still doing great (with the exception of two extra pounds I gained from all of the holiday munching I did during the last month). My next OB visit on January 30th will entail glucose testing for gestational diabetes, so I’m hoping and praying everything will be normal. After Jan. 30th, I’ll start seeing my OB every two weeks, and I’ll have my next ultrasound at 32 weeks.
We still haven’t gotten the childcare situation completely ironed out, but I trust God will provide the perfect person to fill that important position. My grandmother opted out of babysitting all together (she was originally going to cover Tuesdays and Thursdays)—I think she is afraid to bite off more than she can chew since she is almost 83 years old. There is a possibility my mom will take care of Chase full-time (Mondays-Fridays) since she says she is cutting her night-shift nursing job back to part-time hours (versus the full-time hours she’s currently working). In doing so, she would also be taking care of my two nieces along with Chase—which would be great bonding time with her grandchildren, and it would be awesome for my sister and me since we know Mom would be such a great, trustworthy babysitter. So, we’ll see what happens there. In the meantime, I’m still searching for other potential babysitters just in case the situation with my mom falls through.
That’s enough of a novel for now. I’ll post again at seven months or sooner.
Just looked at all your registry stuff and had so much fun seeing what you guys picked! And I can't wait to see the mural mom has done in person...it looks fabulous! i will get w/ you soon about a shower date! Love you!
Carrie! You look fabulous! I love Chase's room!! The murals are fantastic!
That mural is awesome! We saw you in church on Sunday and meant to come talk to y'all, but somehow we forgot... You look great! -Julie
1st of all - you are precious!
2nd- that mural is great. Tim's mom is so telented.
I love hearing what you are up to.
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