Thursday, February 26, 2009

32 Week Ultrasound

Hello! Just had my 32-week ultrasound yesterday. The reason behind me having the ultrasound was to determine if the marginal placenta previa had cleared; and praise God it has and everything looks normal! Chase is a healthy boy and quite a whopper....he already weighs approximately 4 pounds and 13 ounces! I was a little concerned with him being so big and me still having ~8 weeks to go, but the doc reassured me that it's normal for babies to hit growth spurts and then go a week or two without much change in size. In other words, just because Chase is measuring almost 5 pounds already doesn't mean that he will end up being a 10 pound baby (God help me if he does end up that big! HA, HA!).

All other aspects of yesterday's appointment went well too: same good stats as far as belly measurements, weight, blood pressure, etc. are concerned. We got several ultrasound snapshots from the appointment, mostly close-ups of Chase's face. Tim and I even got to see a video of Chase in motion....incredible! Chase is quite a wiggle-worm, and like most babies, he likes to keep his arms and hands around his face. From what we've seen so far, we think he will look like a miniature Tim. I love his little pouty lips and chubby cheeks! Can't wait to see him in person!

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