Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Falling into Autumn

Chase posing by the "Big Ben" clock at Busch Gardens

Gabriel posing too!

Gabriel wanted a picture on the horse (we rode the carousel too)

Did anyone have back to school butterflies?

Before their first soccer game of the season

Chase showing off his skating skills
100% boy...soaking up that last bit of summer

Chase protecting the goal

Although I hated to see the summer end, I have to admit I love almost everything about fall: cooler weather (although we have yet to experience much of that), football season (HTTR....they finally won a game this season!), everything pumpkin spice (I know there are pumpkin spice haters out there too, but let the rest of us enjoy it) colorful leaves, witnessing my children learn new things in school, etc.  

Fortunately, going back to school on September 6th was an easy transition for the boys since they're still attending FOEC. I know not all students and parents had as easy of a transition. I have three nieces starting new phases of school: one starting high school, one starting middle school, and one beginning kindergarten; these have been big changes not only for my nieces but for my sister and sister-in-law. In contrast, the boys and I didn't have any back to school jitters. Chase has most of the same classmates from the first grade and the same teacher (his teacher teaches 1st and 2nd grade since it's such a small school). Gabriel has a new K4 teacher, but has adjusted well to her. He had a harder time over summer break with switching summer camp teachers than he did starting K4. He still has the same teacher at Hardy Elementary for speech class. It was encouraging to hear his speech teacher say that he didn't regress any over the summer. In fact, his speech improved over the summer months! Praise God for every ounce of progress! I'm excited for all of the learning that will occur throughout another school-year.

The busy fall schedule has already sunk in with soccer practices, soccer games, school, speech classes and long work hours. I also started attending a women's bible study on Monday nights and I still serve in the church nursery once a month. Even though all of these activities are positive and I'm glad we get to do them, Tim and I are already yearning for another beach vacation since our anniversary trip Labor Day weekend was cut short due to Tropical Storm Hermine. Nonetheless, we made the most of our vacation even though it ended up being more of a stay-cation. We still had one beautiful beach day to ourselves. Even though we headed home on Friday instead of Sunday, we enjoyed some alone time at home, which allowed us to catch up on some much-needed chores around the house, such as cleaning out the shed and the garage and shampooing the carpet in the main walkways downstairs. Aside from chores, we still got to go out to eat for dinner by ourselves and watch some TV without interruption while the boys stayed at Grammie and Papa Breeden's house through Sunday. Perhaps it was God's plan for us to cut our beach trip short so that we could have more time at home to prepare for our busy fall schedule that began right after Labor Day. 

Furthermore, I try to remind myself that we had such a blessed summer. One little storm isn't enough to dampen our spirits. We haven't always been able to do all of the fun things we got to do during the last three months with Busch Gardens, Water Country, pool visits, beach trips and more. I'm humbled and thankful that we were healthy and able to enjoy the season. I realize other folks I know are going through challenging seasons of life that haven't allowed for those same experiences this year. If you're reading this and you're one of those people, just know that I'm praying for you and I trust in God's perfect plan for all of the seasons in life we experience. 

On a lighter note, I always try to jot down some of the hilarious things the boys say so I won't forget, but I often fall short. But, here's one silly incident that comes to mind: Gabe still wets his bed on some nights. When he woke up wet one morning he told me, "I keep telling the sheets not to get wet but they're not listening." Then there's the story Pam Breeden already shared on Facebook about Chase partaking in communion for the first time at First Baptist in Hopewell. Chase asked Grammie Pam if the bread was plastic because it had a strange texture and was flavorless. There have been several more funny remarks, but too many to recall all at once.

Faith Outreach had a back-to-school skate night last Wednesday. Chase told everyone how great of a skater he was all summer and kept asking us to take him skating so he could show us his skills. He went every Monday during the summer with his summer camp class. We finally got to witness for ourselves that he truly is a great skater. He was flying around the rink going forward and backwards, and even doing the limbo at one point. I couldn't believe how well he did! Even more surprising was the fact that I got out there and skated with Chase and proved to myself that I could still skate forward and backward too and keep up with kids 30 years younger than me....no limbo for me though! Gabriel, on the other hand, skated as though he had two left feet and could hardly stand up on his own. However, I remember Chase being the same way at that age, so I'm not giving up on Gabe; just give him a few years. 

Chase and I had our "show off" moment at the skating rink. Gabe always has his "show off" moments just being the baby of the family. So when does Tim get to show off? Well, Tim had the chance to show us the machine shop that he works at nearly every day. After church last week, he gave the boys and I a tour of Craft. The boys enjoyed looking at all of the huge machines and now they have a better understanding of what their daddy does for a living. Chase told me during the car ride home, "Mom, don't tell dad this because I don't want to hurt his feelings...I like the machines and think they're cool but I don't like the metal shavings and don't think I want to be a machinist when I grow up." 

We're already two games into our soccer season and both of our teams won both games. Tim is very patient coaching the 4-5 year-olds this season. The Pirates showed no mercy during their first game. I lost count of all of the goals but it was around nine! They didn't score as many goals during the second game, but still had enough to win. Gabe didn't score any of the goals but he looked like he enjoyed playing his first couple soccer games and he kept up with the ball. Chase's team is called the Dolphins.  During the first game, they had five goals before it was all said and done and Chase helped assist with two of them during the second half of the game. He played goalie during the first half of both games and didn't allow anyone to score! We're very proud of how well he's been playing! Go Pirates and Dolphins! 

Whether you're cheering on your child's sports team or your fave football team this fall, just remember that God is always our biggest cheerleader. He's always cheering us on during our game of life, even when we're not playing with all of our heart. He never chastises us if we fail; rather, He comforts us with His unconditional love. I pray we can all show that same kind of love towards others during this fall season and beyond. 

Pumpkin spice cheers til next time. 

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