Sunday, April 17, 2016

April Showers...

Chase, Gabe, and Jacob (Chase's friend across the street) colored eggs for Easter.

Recognize this place? This was as close as I could get without crossing the double fences (and risk being arrested, LOL)

Chase's new smile without his top, front teeth and Gabe's classic smile

Family Picture around our Japanese Cherry Blossom Tree (in honor of Connor)

An attempt at a close-up with the boys and I, but Gabe wouldn't stay still and we were zoomed in too far.

Tim and his mini me at Morgart's Beach (we were at our neighbor's wedding)

Beautiful view of the James River...beautiful, sunny spring day as you can tell by Gabe shading his face.
Happy Spring to everyone!  April showers bring May flowers, but apparently, the word “showers” even applies to snow!  We had a brief snow shower at our first soccer game this season.  Within the same week, we also had temperatures above 70 degrees. The weather in Hampton Roads is always a rollercoaster, isn't it?! Usually accompanying the drastic weather changes are seasonal allergies and whatever other nasty viruses are floating around. My family has suffered a few bouts of the dreadful "stomach flu" (yes, I'm well aware it's really a virus and not the actual flu).  Some of us were unfortunate enough to get the stomach bug twice!  I got it again just a week and a half after I had it the first time, or perhaps I never fully shook it the first time.  If you’re not into bathroom humor and sarcasm, please spare yourself and stop reading now.

Lucky me, the second bout of the stomach bug occurred during a business trip to Washington DC. I turned all of the main tourist attractions into the Brown House, the Crappitol, the Stinkin’ Memorial, the Wash-your-hands Monument…you get the point!  Thankfully, God is good and He carried me through that business trip that felt like an eternity as I fought off waves of nausea sitting in an 8-hour class for 2 days.  Tim and the boys had the stomach bug too, so they can relate to the misery I felt.  Chase had a wonderful explosion of vomit from the top bunk bed in his room that looked like a scene from the movie “The Exorcist,” only his head didn’t spin (but, I think mine spun when I saw the mess).  As a parent, experiences like cleaning up a horrific mess like that can only humble you and make you laugh in hindsight.  Moreover, if all we have is a little stomach bug in comparison to some of the other ailments people suffer around the world, then we still have a ton to be thankful for health-wise. 

April is a big birthday month in our family.  “Papa” Breeden led off the birthdays this month.  I won’t tell you how old he is, but Tim has been jokingly calling him an “old fart” long before he ever qualified as one.  Papa and Grammie Breeden also have an anniversary this month, so Happy Anniversary to the two lovebirds who are well on their way to that golden one.  There are other family members with April birthdays too: Uncle Dennis, Robert Coffey, Bert Griggs. I’m sure there are others I’ve missed, but the two that stand out the most to me belong to Chase and Gabe.  Chase will turn 7 years old on April 22nd and Gabriel will turn 4 years old on April 21st.  I can hardly believe the baby in my Facebook profile picture will be 4 years old…unreal!  Happy, Happy Birthday to my back-to-back birthday boys!  I’m so thankful for them and remain proud of them for all of their accomplishments.  Chase continues to make the honor roll as Gabriel continues to improve his speech and learn new things in preschool.  Both boys are learning so many new things.

Chase is reading all sorts of books now and completed his very first book fair project for school last month (got a perfect score on it too!).  Beyond schoolwork, he also experienced a wonderful lesson at the dentist last month.  He had several baby teeth that just wouldn’t give up the fight, but the permanent ones were already growing in and leaving his mouth too crowded.  As a result, we scheduled for the dentist to intervene by pulling out the baby ones.  He was able to lose one on his own first, but the dentist still had to pull the other three.  He was so panicked when I picked him up from school the morning of his appointment.  I felt so bad for him as I had to wipe his tears and try to reassure him everything was going to be alright.  When we arrived at the dentist office, we said a prayer in the parking lot.  We specifically asked God to help ease his nerves, to help the dentist to do a good job pulling his teeth and to give him a brief and easy recovery time.  Chase immediately calmed down as soon as we walked in the dentist office and everything went better than expected.  He was quite the trooper and ended up being a comedian with the laughing gas.  Even the dentist was laughing as he kept repeating, “I really like this stuff,” (referring to the laughing gas).  So, the lesson learned from all of that was for Chase to always ask God to help him whenever he’s feeling anxious.  No prayer request is too big or too small for our awesome God!  As a reward for being such a trooper, I took Chase bowling right after his appointment.

In total, Chase has lost 6 teeth in less than a month from the 3 teeth pulled by the dentist and 3 more lost on his own.  The Tooth Fairy may have to take out a loan at the rate this is going!  Chase has no top front teeth right now, but you can just barely see the buds of the permanent ones starting to poke through his gum.  While losing teeth has been Chase’s big news over the past month, Gabe’s big news is that he’s FINALLY pooping in the potty.  There was one particular moment when Gabe refused to go poop in the potty and he ended up doing it in his pants after I had repeatedly asked him for the past hour if he would go to the potty.  I was so frustrated with his stubbornness and the mess that he had made that I’m sure he could sense my disappointment.  It seemed like that was finally the breaking point for him.  The very next day he voluntarily pooped in the potty all by himself and he’s been doing it ever since then.  He still has an occasional accident, but we’re moving in the right direction.  Praise the Lord! 

Speaking of praising the Lord, there’s nothing cuter than hearing a 3 year-old singing the praise song that goes, “Here I am to Worship.”  The part of the song that goes, “You’re altogether lovely, altogether worthy…” is the best, because Gabe says “wormy” instead of “worthy.”  Although I’ll be thankful for the day when he can fully annunciate words on his own and not need speech classes anymore, I have to admit that it’s cute to hear him say some words the wrong way.  Our almost 4 year-old can be very stubborn at times, but he’s still a happy child with a big sense of humor.  He’s always dancing and singing.  We attended a wedding for our neighbor yesterday afternoon and he was quite a hoot dancing along to the music. 

As for cute/silly things said by Chase, you may have already seen Tim’s Facebook post about their walk on the Windsor Castle Park nature trail.  Tim took the boys for a walk while I was at a baby shower last Sunday (congrats to my sweet friend Emily Lamb who is expecting a baby girl this summer).  While they were on their walk, Chase was ahead by a few steps. Tim noticed a silly grin on Chase’s face and he asked him, “What’s up, buddy?”  Chase replied, “I’m connecting with nature…yeah, I’m farting.”  Thank God we have a family with a good sense of bathroom humor!  Perhaps that sense of humor goes a bit far at times with Gabe “pooting” on everyone, including his speech teacher.  We’ll have to establish a fine line of when it’s ok to joke about that sort of thing and when it’s inappropriate. 

Our God is so worthy (not “wormy”) of praise! We had a wonderful Easter weekend with Tim’s parents in Hopewell.  It was too cold and damp outside for an Easter egg hunt on Easter Sunday, but that didn’t stop us from having the hunt indoors.  The kids always love their time with Grammie and Papa Breeden.  They also love being with cousins from both sides of the family.  Even though they didn’t see cousins from the Breeden side on Easter Sunday, Aunt Laurie took Chase, Gabe, and Bella to the circus as the boys’ birthday gift during their spring break.  That was Gabe’s first time at the circus and he seemed to really enjoy seeing all of the animals and stunts. 

We’ve had two soccer games so far this season. Although we enjoy soccer, sometimes soccer games can feel like being at a circus too.  However, we seem to have a great team this season with good chemistry.  Our team name this season is “Riptide,” (of course we stuck with another nautical name).  During our first game, we were up by a point until the last quarter and then our team lost momentum and the other team scored twice during the last few minutes.  We couldn’t have asked for our players to try any harder especially since we were down three players the entire game and the other team had all eleven players.  I still think we won the game in talent with the eight players we had in spite of what the final score said.  Plus, we got snowed on during that game; that goes back to that good ole Hampton Roads weather I was referring to earlier.  Our second game was much better than the first with warmer weather and a win for Team Riptide!

Hats off to Tim for sacrificing time to coach in spite of his busy work schedule.  Tim usually works 11 or 12-hour days during the workweek and he often works weekends too.  He’s normally heading to Thursday practices after a long day of work; and, he typically has already logged in half a day of work before our Saturday morning games even begin (in other words, he has already worked 2-3 hours or more before most of you are even out of the bed).  One thing is for sure; Tim and I both log in plenty of hours of work, whether it’s at a machine shop, at the shipyard, on the soccer field, or just right here in the comfort of our own home (keeping up a home and raising a family is a full-time job in itself). 

It doesn’t look like our schedule is slowing down any time soon.  Aside from work, the next few weeks entail several soccer games, a baby shower for our neighbor, the boys’ birthday party here at our house, a Monster Truck show to attend, and hopefully our first trip to Busch Gardens for the season. It’s also hard to believe that Smithfield Swim Club will be opening its pool at the end of May….doesn’t seem possible for pools to open and schools to wind down for summer with the snow that we just had last week. What a blessing it is to be able to do all of these extra things that keep us busy! I know we’re not the only ones who work diligently and have busy lives so I’ll conclude this blog posting with positive words for all of you hard workers out there.

“Always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless.” 1 Corinthians 15:58

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