Chase made it to the year and a half mark! He weighed in at just 24 pounds and an ounce at his 18-month check-up, which only puts him at the 30th percentile for weight; however, he’s at the 85th percentile for height. He’s long and lean like his daddy! He just now graduated to size 4 diapers. Of course he being such a busy body and not wanting to eat much lately has added to his lack of weight gain this past month. He’s also been battling sore gums with all four of his incisors breaking the surface. Ironically, he still loves to brush his teeth…probably because chewing on his toothbrush makes his gums feel better. He’s also been super clingy to his pacifier and blanket lately…I’m not looking forward to breaking him of the pacifier habit!
Outside of the discomfort of teething, we had a little bit of a scare on October 24th: Tim worked that morning and I took Chase to church knowing he was a little on the fussy side because of teething….little did I know that he was battling more than just teething. By the time I picked him up from the church nursery, he was very lethargic. I put him down for a nap as soon as we got home from church and heard him moaning and groaning in his sleep. I went in to check on him and noticed he was burning up…checked his temperature and it was over 100. I didn’t worry just then, but I kept checking his temp periodically and it was only increasing. By the time it spiked at 104, Tim was home from work and we rushed him to an urgent care facility. It turns out he had the parvovirus, which is also nicknamed the “slap-cheek” virus because it results in a rash that develops on the cheeks a few days after the fever breaks. Praise the Lord with the help of the doctors, some Motrin and Tylenol, we were able to get Chase’s fever down and confirm that it was nothing serious.
Overall, it’s been quite an eventful month for our family as we welcomed in Fall. Amber had the first baby girl on the Breeden side of the family in over 30 years: Jaycee Claire Turner born on October 11th. My best friend in CA just found out she is having a baby boy this month. We wrapped up the month by spending Halloween with my family. We had a blast taking the kids trick or treating…even the adults dressed up this year. I was a lady bug and Tim was Tiger Woods. Chase was a cute, blue, fuzzy monster…kind of looked like a cross between the Cooke Monster and a Teletubby. Just look at the pictures…they speak louder than words!
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