What is 24 pounds, not quite 3 feet tall, strawberry blond, and cute as a button although stubborn at times?....CHASE!
Chase hit the 15 month mark over a week ago and just had his 15 month check-up with the pediatrician this week. Praise God, all is healthy! He is FINALLY walking! Yay! The disclaimer to him walking is that he’s still very unbalanced and can only walk a dozen steps at most at one time. Nonetheless, I’m proud to see my son meet this milestone!
Eating has become more of a challenge over the past couple of months. When Chase first started eating table food, I could feed him just about anything. Unfortunately, he’s starting to get a little pickier with certain textures and colors (his cousin Kenden is the same way, only even pickier). However, chicken nuggets, applesauce, yogurt, French fries, goldfish crackers, fruit snacks, and peanut butter (Dr. Baust has given us the “ok” for peanut butter, egg whites, and other foods that some pediatricians forbid due to the potential for allergies) are always a go.
Chase’s favorite thing to do right now is go for a ride on Tim’s motorized cooler, which was Tim’s Father’s Day and birthday gift. I know how ridiculous and redneck the idea of a motorized cooler sounds, but it’s the #1 form of entertainment on Lane Crescent right now. Chase expects Tim to take him for a ride every afternoon. If Tim isn’t around to give him a ride, he’ll climb up on the cooler and pretend he’s riding it by shaking the handlebars and making motor sounds. He is quite animated and definitely has a strong personality…can’t wait to see what this next month will bring as he continues to evolve into toddlerhood!
Chase hit the 15 month mark over a week ago and just had his 15 month check-up with the pediatrician this week. Praise God, all is healthy! He is FINALLY walking! Yay! The disclaimer to him walking is that he’s still very unbalanced and can only walk a dozen steps at most at one time. Nonetheless, I’m proud to see my son meet this milestone!
Eating has become more of a challenge over the past couple of months. When Chase first started eating table food, I could feed him just about anything. Unfortunately, he’s starting to get a little pickier with certain textures and colors (his cousin Kenden is the same way, only even pickier). However, chicken nuggets, applesauce, yogurt, French fries, goldfish crackers, fruit snacks, and peanut butter (Dr. Baust has given us the “ok” for peanut butter, egg whites, and other foods that some pediatricians forbid due to the potential for allergies) are always a go.
Chase’s favorite thing to do right now is go for a ride on Tim’s motorized cooler, which was Tim’s Father’s Day and birthday gift. I know how ridiculous and redneck the idea of a motorized cooler sounds, but it’s the #1 form of entertainment on Lane Crescent right now. Chase expects Tim to take him for a ride every afternoon. If Tim isn’t around to give him a ride, he’ll climb up on the cooler and pretend he’s riding it by shaking the handlebars and making motor sounds. He is quite animated and definitely has a strong personality…can’t wait to see what this next month will bring as he continues to evolve into toddlerhood!
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