We got to hear Baby Breeden's heartbeat today. All that came out of this doctor's visit was getting to hear the heartbeat (no ultrasounds or lab work), but that made the visit completely worthwhile! The heartbeat was measured at 168 (I believe that means 168 beats per minute). According to old wives tales, the more rapid heartbeat usually means a girl. If you're rooting for a girl, don't get too excited because our baby BOY's heartbeat the last time was in the upper 160's. In fact, so far everything in this pregnancy has mirrored the last one with the way I feel; the way I'm carrying the baby so far; the cravings I'm having; the baby's heartbeat; the sore boobs (yes, they're sore now...they weren't during the first few weeks, but it all caught up with me...if only a guy knew what it was like to carry around two sore watermelons all day long...they may not be as big as watermelons, but sometimes they feel as heavy!); etc. The only thing that I truly hope and pray does NOT mirror the last pregnancy is the baby having spina bifida.
Speaking of spina bifida, I go to the lab on Nov. 5th for my quad screening. As you all know, the quad screening will reveal if there are any signs of spina bifida or other birth defects. I believe from the depths of my heart that everything will be fine this time around. Nonetheless, it will still be a relief to receive final confirmation that everything is ok. I have a routine check-up with Dr. O'Connell at my OB/GYN's office on Nov. 13th followed by genetic counseling and a thorough ultrasound at Riverside Hospital on Nov. 18th. I'm hoping there won't be any reason for genetic counseling this time around, but Dr. Yonker and Dr. O'Connell still want Tim and I to have the genetic counseling as a means to ask any questions we may have at that time and discuss the results of the quad screening (even if the results reveal that there isn't spina bifida). On the other hand, the positive side to me going to Riverside is that their equipment is way better and Tim and I will see a good view of the baby through an ultrasound at that time. We should know the sex of the baby on Nov. 18th....that's just a month away! Can't wait!
Thanks for reading yet another lengthy blog posting from yours truly. If you remember anything from all of my ramblings today, please remember to lift up a prayer (or several prayers) in the month of November when I undergo all of the screenings to receive the final news on this baby's health. I don't want to sound down-trotted in my faith, but I honestly can't imagine going through another heartache like what we went through before....it was such a nightmare! I'm ready for happy news! I know I'm blessed regardless of what the future holds, so please also pray that I don't lose sight of God's grace during this uncertain time.
Until November.....Adios! Happy Halloween! I promise I won't binge on Halloween candy in spite of my cravings for sweets!
I was just checking for updates earlier today! You're looking great! You and baby have been in my prayers!
keep us posted! love you guys!
SOOO EXCITED!!!! You look so cute and it is great to hear that all's going well. I hope you get over the "Nausea Hump" soon. Ugh. Love you guys bunches!!
Aunt Amber
We are so excited to hear that all is going well. Keep us posted.
Scott, Suellen, Kristen, and Brandon
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