Greetings to those of you keeping up with the adventures of Baby Breeden! I'm almost at the halfway point of my pregnancy; I'm 19 weeks and 1 day along (sorry, haven't been counting the hours, minutes, and seconds), which puts me in the fifth month. Can you believe it? Wow, time has flown by. I'm grateful to say that I'm feeling fantastic right now; no more morning sickness and not as fatigued as I was during the first trimester. I'm finally starting to look pregnant too (as you can see in the pictures)!
My last OB visit was last Wednesday, April 23rd. I had my quad-screening done, which was blood taken to detect any symptoms of Down's Syndrome or Spina Bifida. I have faith that the results will turn out just fine. Even if it doesn't, God has brought this baby into our lives for a reason, and we know that He will take care of us through whatever challenges the future could potentially hold. On a much brighter note, we got to hear the baby's heartbeat again! It was so funny because the baby kept on moving away from the doppler (probably because of the cold gel on my belly). The heartbeat was around 150 beats per minute (which is in the normal range for a fetus at this time; the norm is 120-160 beats per minute). According to old wive's tales, the higher the heart rate, the more likely the baby is to be a girl. We'll see if that has any truth to it in a few days.
So, my question to all of you is what do you think we're having....boy or girl? I've heard many people say that they have a feeling I'm having a boy. Some think that I look like I'm carrying low and rather small, which follows the wive's tale of it being a boy. However, others say that they have a feeling it's a girl because of the ultrasound pictures I've showed them and my sweet cravings (I've had a few sweet cravings, but nothing drastic; in fact, I've eaten pretty healthy for the most part). I think my family is rooting for a boy since there aren't any boys on the Sneed side of the family. Of course, they will be happy either way, as will we! But, I must admit that Tim and I are secretly hoping for a boy. (Yes, yes, the most important thing is that the baby is healthy.) I've even had a reocurring dream that I'll be having a boy. Another strange thing that happened was that my childhood best friend (whom I hadn't talked to in 3 or 4 years) called me out of the blue and said that she had a feeling I had a baby boy (she had no idea that I was even pregnant since we hadn't talked in so long). Strange!!! I don't know if my dreams and one of my best friend's premonitions have any truth behind them, but it will be fun to find out! The big ultrasound is May 7th (a week and a half away), and my family is going down to OBX the day after (May 8th), so it will be fun announcing the big news to them while we're on vacation....sorry, the rest of you will have to wait until I post on my blog again. Of course we'll call Tim's parents because it wouldn't be fair to tell my parents and make them wait for several days. If any of you just can't take the anticipation, we'll call you too! : ) (Let's hope Baby Breeden isn't too shy so that we can even tell whether it's a boy or girl!!!)
Anyways......the rest of the OB appointment went well. The doctor complimented me on my weight and asked if I had been exercising (yes I have--walking about 5 times a week and doing yoga twice a week). Even more importantly, my blood pressure was in excellent standings! I'm praising God that I've been able to provide a healthy home for my little one!
As always, thanks to all of you for keeping up with my blog and keeping us in your prayers....it's special friends and family like you that make this time all the more special! Post your thoughts on whether you think it's a BOY OR GIRL. I'll post again shortly after we return from OBX after Mother's Day....Happy Mother's Day to all of you moms out there!
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