Enjoying being in the Captain's chair of the boat

Playing in his first kiddie pool

We’re over the big one-year birthday bash for Chase and well into toddling now. Chase still isn’t walking independently, but he can walk very well with his walker and holding onto someone or something. I know it’s just a matter of time before he builds up the confidence to walk on his own. Dr. Baust (Chase’s pediatrician) was surprised he wasn’t walking yet, because his motor skills seem advanced otherwise, but we’re not wishing away his crawling days just yet. At his 12-month check-up, Chase’s measurements weren’t much different than they were from his 9-month visit. He’s about 21 pounds now and 31 inches long—long and lean, but healthy. He’s still a decent eater, but his appetite has been a little more persnickety due to fighting off colds. He got another cold since his birthday; so far, turning a year old has brought on more sickness, which I blame on more exposure to germs since he’s into EVERYTHING now. If I had a motto to my life it would be, “Chasing Chase,” which sounds ironic since he’s not even walking yet.
As I’m typing this, I hear fussing in the background. Chase is still cutting teeth (the story of his life) and has 6 through the gums (3 on top, 3 on bottom). He is extremely clingy to me today. I remember last October I had to work overtime, causing me to go into work early and leave late, so Tim was dropping off and picking up Chase from my grandmother’s house in the mornings and afternoons. Chase got so excited when Tim arrived to pick him up in the afternoons. I remember feeling so sad that I couldn’t be there to experience the smiles and excitement that came with every afternoon pick-up. When I was able to start working a normal shift again and I’d go with Tim to pick up Chase in the afternoons, Chase would crawl straight to Tim and completely ignore me, which left me feeling glum. However, now he is so clingy to me at times that I can hardly get anything done without him hanging on to my leg and fussing for me to pick him up and carry him around. I almost miss the days when he ignored me (not really).
Happy (belated) Mother’s Day to all of the other moms out there keeping up with my blog! “You have chosen to bless my family. Let it continue before you always. Lord, you have blessed my family, so it will always be blessed. 1 Chronicles 17:27.