One Year Old!
I’m awestruck Chase will be a year old on Thursday! A part of me is sad that this first year went by so fast and that my baby is transitioning into a toddler. However, another part of me is excited to see my sweet little boy learning new things and meeting new milestones. I only wish I had more time to savor each moment as he grows. To say life has been busy is an understatement. These past few months have been slam full of things to do and it has taken every ounce of energy for me to keep up with my daily routine, yet alone extra tasks. Consequently, I had to combine the 11 and 12 month blog postings since I didn’t get around to posting an update last month.
Over the past two months, Chase’s appetite has taken off like a rocket. He’s eating a wide variety of table food, drinking juice, and showing little interest in formula nowadays. He has five teeth and more to pop through in the near future. Teething has been a dramatic experience for him even with Tylenol, teething tablets, and teething toys, but we’re all surviving.
Other than the discomfort of teething, Chase got his first really bad cold last week. I had to take him to the pediatrician for the first time outside of normal check-ups. Unfortunately, he wasn’t feeling all that well for his first birthday party yesterday (Sunday, April 18th), but the party was still a go. We had my family, Tim’s family, and our next-door neighbors over for a cookout. The theme of the party was “Elmo” and we had beautiful weather for batting at an Elmo piƱata outdoors. Chase dove into his first birthday cake and said, “Num, num, num” (for “yum, yum, yum.”) It was too stinking cute, and I’m not just saying that because he’s my son! He’s got a smile (even when covered in chocolate) that could melt any heart.
Chase will have his 12 month check-up this Friday, so I’ll pass along his measurements afterwards. All I can say for now is that he’s getting heavy and his “high water” pants always make their way up his long legs. He’s still in size 3 diapers, but most of his clothes that fit him just right for now are size 18 months. Another thing growing….his hair….and, it’s very strawberry blonde (heavy on the red hues), which is funny because we never anticipated having a baby with such reddish hair…guess we can’t hide those Irish genes!
We’ve been chasing Chase all over the place, and he’s not even walking yet; but, he’s getting very close. He can walk with assistance and stand as long as he has something to hold onto for balance. Needless to say, we’ll have our hands full even more when he is walking. We’ll be in for lots of fun this summer as Chase loves being outdoors. We’ve already had the boat out twice this year and we look forward to going out on the water more.
Wow, there’s so much more I could say, but I think I’ve captured most of the highlights. I’m typing this as Chase is sleeping. On most nights, he sleeps from about 7 PM to 6 AM. I’m not too far behind him going to bed on most nights! With that said, until next time….good night!
I’m awestruck Chase will be a year old on Thursday! A part of me is sad that this first year went by so fast and that my baby is transitioning into a toddler. However, another part of me is excited to see my sweet little boy learning new things and meeting new milestones. I only wish I had more time to savor each moment as he grows. To say life has been busy is an understatement. These past few months have been slam full of things to do and it has taken every ounce of energy for me to keep up with my daily routine, yet alone extra tasks. Consequently, I had to combine the 11 and 12 month blog postings since I didn’t get around to posting an update last month.
Over the past two months, Chase’s appetite has taken off like a rocket. He’s eating a wide variety of table food, drinking juice, and showing little interest in formula nowadays. He has five teeth and more to pop through in the near future. Teething has been a dramatic experience for him even with Tylenol, teething tablets, and teething toys, but we’re all surviving.
Other than the discomfort of teething, Chase got his first really bad cold last week. I had to take him to the pediatrician for the first time outside of normal check-ups. Unfortunately, he wasn’t feeling all that well for his first birthday party yesterday (Sunday, April 18th), but the party was still a go. We had my family, Tim’s family, and our next-door neighbors over for a cookout. The theme of the party was “Elmo” and we had beautiful weather for batting at an Elmo piƱata outdoors. Chase dove into his first birthday cake and said, “Num, num, num” (for “yum, yum, yum.”) It was too stinking cute, and I’m not just saying that because he’s my son! He’s got a smile (even when covered in chocolate) that could melt any heart.
Chase will have his 12 month check-up this Friday, so I’ll pass along his measurements afterwards. All I can say for now is that he’s getting heavy and his “high water” pants always make their way up his long legs. He’s still in size 3 diapers, but most of his clothes that fit him just right for now are size 18 months. Another thing growing….his hair….and, it’s very strawberry blonde (heavy on the red hues), which is funny because we never anticipated having a baby with such reddish hair…guess we can’t hide those Irish genes!
We’ve been chasing Chase all over the place, and he’s not even walking yet; but, he’s getting very close. He can walk with assistance and stand as long as he has something to hold onto for balance. Needless to say, we’ll have our hands full even more when he is walking. We’ll be in for lots of fun this summer as Chase loves being outdoors. We’ve already had the boat out twice this year and we look forward to going out on the water more.
Wow, there’s so much more I could say, but I think I’ve captured most of the highlights. I’m typing this as Chase is sleeping. On most nights, he sleeps from about 7 PM to 6 AM. I’m not too far behind him going to bed on most nights! With that said, until next time….good night!