Hard to believe we are two months shy of Chase’s 1st birthday! Chase is such a busy little boy these days. Praise the Lord; other than a mild stomach virus that lasted for 24 hours, he’s still been very healthy. He weighed in at 20 lbs. at his last pediatrician appointment and he is already almost half of my height (2.5 feet). As you can see in the picture, he is almost as tall as his “big brother” Dexter.
Chase is going through somewhat of a clingy phase. He loves his Great Grandma Anderson since he spends the weekdays with her while “Mommy” and “Daddy” work. Of course, he loves us too and wants to be held very often, especially when he gets tired. He’s starting to cuddle with blankets, stuffed animals, and even Dexter. However, if he’s not tired and in a cuddly mood, he’s wide open and crawling all over the place to explore new territory. It’s tough for us to keep up with him at times.
Chase’s eating and sleeping habits haven’t changed much since last month. However, we are amazed at how much he’s grown and all of the new things he learns with each passing month. Can’t wait to share more adventures in the 11th month!