Sunday, January 17, 2010
Teeth have Arrived!
I can't believe I forgot to mention in my last posting that Chase has teeth now! His front top left tooth was the first one to poke through the gums right around Christmas. Since then, he got his front bottom left tooth and the other top one. The right bottom tooth is just about through the gum too. So, Chase got a belated Christmas gift....."All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth...."
9 Months Old

I can definitely say that Chase’s 9 months outside of my womb went by a lot faster than the 9 months of my pregnancy with him.
What is Chase up to these days?
-pulling himself up into the standing position
-taking baby steps while holding onto something for balance (i.e. the couch: he can walk the whole length of the couch while holding on)
-crawling everywhere and putting lots of miles on those little hands and knees
-vocalizing his emotions more (i.e. he sometimes likes to scream as loud as he can just for the mere entertainment of hearing his voice, but other times, it’s obvious that he’s frustrated when he screams)….we’re hearing lots of “dada’s and momma’s” these days.
-still sleeping on the 7-5 schedule….only wish we could stretch it a few hours longer on the weekends so we wouldn’t have to get up so early when we don’t have to work, but all in all, we can’t complain with his sleeping habits.
-loving his time with Grandma Anderson….he lights up whenever we first bring him to Grandma’s house in the mornings before work
-rolling toys across the floor and chasing after them….sometimes he takes laps around the house doing this
-experimenting with finger foods such as Cheerios and puffs….most of the time, they end up on the floor at home
-still drinking lots of formula….makes me miss the breastfeeding days, because formula is not cheap!
-mimicking actions such as when Tim and I are chewing food
-riding in a new car-seat now; enjoying looking out the windows during car-rides to observe new sights
Chase goes for his 9 month check-up in early February in which case I’ll pass along his latest weight, height, and any other interesting news. Hope everyone is having a great 2010 so far!
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