We have so much to be thankful for this year as we celebrate our first holiday season with Chase. Our 17-pound, 30-inch long bundle of joy is healthy and keeping us very busy with each passing day. Almost everything I mentioned in my 6-month blog update still remains true for Chase now. However, he is no longer wobbly and unstable sitting up and he officially started crawling on Thanksgiving Day. Needless to say, we’ll be chasing him around from this day forward. He’s still not a pro at crawling, but I’m sure he’ll have it refined by Christmas (just in time to keep him away from the Christmas tree).
We’re all pretty well-rested these days. Chase sleeps through the nights like clockwork now….goes to bed at about 7:30 and sleeps until 5/5:30. He’s still lacking teeth, but it’s got to be any day now! He’ll probably get a bunch of teeth all at once. Some days are tough on our little guy because his gums bother him. We give him teething tablets, Baby Orajel, and Tylenol in hopes of easing the discomfort (and easing our aggravation in having to listen to a lot of fussing). Fortunately, outside of teething, Chase is a little better at self-entertaining now and doesn't fuss quite as much.
The Christmas pictures were taken at Sears the day before Thanksgiving….some of you will be seeing these again as Christmas gifts!