Chase is 17 ½ weeks old today (4 months old)! He has reached so many milestones this past month. He is now flipping over from his back to his belly. He is also reaching up and grabbing things (like clumps of my hair) with his “death grip.” One of his favorite toys right now is his aquarium-themed play gym, which is basically just a mat that is on the floor with dangling fish hanging over top of it. He loves to bat the fish around and wiggle all over the mat. He gets himself in the most awkward positions sometimes; I have to laugh as I watch him try to figure out how to reverse it! I can definitely see his motor skills and hand/eye coordination developing more with each day.
Chase is drinking lots of milk, but he is more of a “snacker” than a baby who will take in any more than 4 oz. at a time. This makes it hard on me because he wakes up in the middle of the night hungry and I have to nurse him back to sleep. He has woken up quite a bit this past month. He rarely makes it past 3 or 4 AM these days, but he’s good about going back to sleep as soon as he’s done nursing. Dr. Baust recommended me to start adding a teaspoon of rice cereal to two bottles per day to help him remain satisfied longer. At first, Chase wasn’t too fond of the texture of the rice cereal, but he’s gotten more used to it now. We have yet to try giving him the rice cereal in a bowl with a spoon. It won’t be long until he will be eating all sorts of things with a spoon. He goes to the pediatrician on August 31st, and I’m quite sure Dr. Baust will recommend us introducing stage 1 baby foods at that time. He’ll also have another round of shots on the 31st…yay (not!).
Some other “big boy” moments this past month have been watching Chase try to hold his bottle while he drinks and seeing his personality shine through various situations. For instance, he recognizes Dexter now and often giggles when Dexter comes near him. He also cracks up around my nieces. It’s almost like kids can communicate with babies better than adults can. Chase communicates with his coos and playful screams. Sometimes he is so loud during the car ride to and from work that Tim and I bust out laughing. We are definitely having fun watching our little guy grow. He has already been out on our boat twice this summer. I thought he would be too little to go for a boat ride, but he does pretty well out on the water (must be like his mom and dad). Of course not every day is filled with fun and games; we still have our exhausting, stressful moments at times, but it’s all worth it!
Chase will be expecting a little girl cousin in a couple of months. My sister Laurie is approaching the latter months of her pregnancy and we will soon be welcoming baby Bella Rose into the world. We had a baby shower for Laurie here at our house yesterday and all went well. It seems like we were just celebrating Chase’s arrival not too long ago! I often reminisce to those first few days of motherhood. I remember doing anything I could to get Chase to stop crying some days. One thing in particular that comes to mind is me dancing around to the “Poker Face” song while carrying him. For some reason, the beat to that song would always soothe him, though I’m sure I looked like an idiot dancing around the house….(sigh) the things we do for our children!
Next blog posting will be at the 5 month mark! I’m sure we’ll have lots of fun adventures to share at that time. We have an OBX trip planned the weekend after Labor Day, so I hope to do better with taking pictures this time. As you can see, we did get around to getting professional portraits done. The pictures up top were taken at the end of July at Sear’s. Chase was such a ham during the portraits!
Chase is drinking lots of milk, but he is more of a “snacker” than a baby who will take in any more than 4 oz. at a time. This makes it hard on me because he wakes up in the middle of the night hungry and I have to nurse him back to sleep. He has woken up quite a bit this past month. He rarely makes it past 3 or 4 AM these days, but he’s good about going back to sleep as soon as he’s done nursing. Dr. Baust recommended me to start adding a teaspoon of rice cereal to two bottles per day to help him remain satisfied longer. At first, Chase wasn’t too fond of the texture of the rice cereal, but he’s gotten more used to it now. We have yet to try giving him the rice cereal in a bowl with a spoon. It won’t be long until he will be eating all sorts of things with a spoon. He goes to the pediatrician on August 31st, and I’m quite sure Dr. Baust will recommend us introducing stage 1 baby foods at that time. He’ll also have another round of shots on the 31st…yay (not!).
Some other “big boy” moments this past month have been watching Chase try to hold his bottle while he drinks and seeing his personality shine through various situations. For instance, he recognizes Dexter now and often giggles when Dexter comes near him. He also cracks up around my nieces. It’s almost like kids can communicate with babies better than adults can. Chase communicates with his coos and playful screams. Sometimes he is so loud during the car ride to and from work that Tim and I bust out laughing. We are definitely having fun watching our little guy grow. He has already been out on our boat twice this summer. I thought he would be too little to go for a boat ride, but he does pretty well out on the water (must be like his mom and dad). Of course not every day is filled with fun and games; we still have our exhausting, stressful moments at times, but it’s all worth it!
Chase will be expecting a little girl cousin in a couple of months. My sister Laurie is approaching the latter months of her pregnancy and we will soon be welcoming baby Bella Rose into the world. We had a baby shower for Laurie here at our house yesterday and all went well. It seems like we were just celebrating Chase’s arrival not too long ago! I often reminisce to those first few days of motherhood. I remember doing anything I could to get Chase to stop crying some days. One thing in particular that comes to mind is me dancing around to the “Poker Face” song while carrying him. For some reason, the beat to that song would always soothe him, though I’m sure I looked like an idiot dancing around the house….(sigh) the things we do for our children!
Next blog posting will be at the 5 month mark! I’m sure we’ll have lots of fun adventures to share at that time. We have an OBX trip planned the weekend after Labor Day, so I hope to do better with taking pictures this time. As you can see, we did get around to getting professional portraits done. The pictures up top were taken at the end of July at Sear’s. Chase was such a ham during the portraits!