Sunday, July 26, 2009

3 Months Old

I’m amazed at how much Chase has changed during his first 3 months of life. Moreover, I’m astounded with how much my life has changed in the past 3 months. Though I heard everyone say that life is never the same once you have kids prior to having one of my own, it’s completely different to actually live the experience myself versus just hearing about it through others. Another thing I’ve found to be so true that I’ve heard so many people say is that having a child is like wearing a piece of your heart on the outside.

Chase is definitely growing! He doesn’t go for his next doc appointment until next month, so I don’t know his exact weight; however, it’s obvious that he’s getting bigger since he’s heavier to carry and has outgrown just about all of his 0-3 month clothes. I’m putting him in 3-6 month clothes now, and in some 6-9 month outfits. I’m guessing he’s somewhere around 14 pounds now. On average, he goes through 32 oz. of milk a day. I’m still breastfeeding him which entails a lot of pumping since I’m back at work. Sometimes I feel like Bessie the Cow!

Thankfully, Chase sleeps through most nights very well and seems to be on a decent schedule for a 3-month old. His naptime schedules during the day could still use some refining, but all in all, we’re blessed to have a baby who sleeps so well. He is starting to roll over on his sides, but can’t quite flip himself over completely. If I place him on his belly, he squirms around and tries to crawl. He can hold his head up all by himself and can almost sit up. It’s so much fun to see what he’ll learn to do next! My favorite thing right now is that he’s cooing a lot and blowing spit bubbles. He hoots like an owl and has Tim and me rolling in laughter! He also has a smile and laugh that is so contagious.

Chase took his first trip to OBX this weekend. He didn’t spend any time on the beach itself, but he did get a few strolls on the main beach road and he got to spend lots of time with his Papa, Grammy, Aunt Amber, Uncle Jeff, and cousin Kenden. He also got to briefly meet Tim’s Aunt Dale, Uncle Rick, and Tim’s cousin Michelle and her family. One of the highlights from his trip was getting to sit in his bouncy seat while Daddy (Tim) carried him over the pool (not IN the pool). He loved the reflection of the water. I didn’t take the first picture while we were at the beach or at the cottage (shame on me!). Fortunately, Amber snapped a few, including the one posted here.

Tim and I are now another year older. My birthday was July 20th, and Tim’s was on the 25th. Tim just turned the big 3-0 and I just turned 28; though a lot of folks dread getting older, I prefer to look at it as God giving us another year full of blessings. It’s humbling to look at how far we’ve come in the past year. I remember our hearts were broken this time last year after we lost Connor, but this year we are beaming with a 3-month old.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

4th of July

Chases's 1st 4th of July was lots of fun. We had a cookout here at our house and most of our family joined us for good food and fellowship.
I survived my first week back at work. Fortunately, it was a short week because of the holiday. I cried a little after dropping off Chase on Monday as I headed to work, but I knew he was in the best care possible with my mom. My sister Dawn and my grandmother also took care of him some last week, so he received plenty of attention and love from family. My oldest niece Emily reads books to him, and my other niece Ruthie always gives loving pets on the head to him. He is definitely in good hands while Tim and I work, which gives us such peace and comfort.
Thankfully, work hasn't been too overwhelming and Chase has already adapted well to our new routine of dropping him off in the mornings. On most days, Chase goes to bed around 8 and will sleep through the night until about 5. I feed him first thing in the morning when he awakes and then get us ready for the day. Tim, Chase, and I have been out the door around 6:30 and back home in the afternoons around 5. I appreciate the hours I have to spend with Chase in the mornings and evenings so much since I don't get to see him all day anymore. It also makes me look forward to the weekends even more than I ever did before!
Chase continues to grow each day. I have to pack 5 4-oz. bottles for him to drink during the day while I work. So far, I've been able to keep up with his appetite. Pumping at work isn't the most glorious experience, but it's the only way I can continue to nurse Chase full-time. It's worth the time and effort when I see him grow and know that he is healthy. He's smiling more these days! There's nothing cuter than seeing that little grin....makes all of those fussy spells worth the while!