This past Tuesday Tim and I got to hear Baby Breeden's heartbeat for the first time! Incredible!!! What a reassuring sound that was to hear! The doctor said baby and I are doing great; blood pressure was in great standings; my weight is right where it should be (still too small for the doc to take belly measurements, but there is definitely a "bump"); Baby Breeden is about the size of a lemon and has a strong heartbeat!
Even more exciting: we'll get to find out the sex of the baby on May 7th! I have one more OB appointment before then on April 23rd where I'll get more bloodwork done, have belly measurements taken, and get to hear the heartbeat again. The bloodwork should reveal if there are any warning flags for cystic fibrosis or downs syndrome. None of those diseases run in my family or Tim's (that we know of), and I'm young and considered low risk, so we are trusting God that everything will turn out just fine. Oftentimes, the flags that arise from tests like these are false results anyhow and the baby turns out completely normal. Of course, prayers are still appreciated!
Still feeling nauseated, especially in the evenings (guess I'm polar opposite when it comes to "morning"'s more like "evening/night" sickness). However, the doc says it should go away soon. Even if it doesn't, I'm hanging in here and I know it's all worth it!
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Saturday, March 22, 2008
14 Weeks....Hello 2nd Trimester!

I survived the first trimester with Baby Breeden! I'm still feeling nauseated from time to time, but it seems to be wearing off a little (thank God!). My belly is definitely "popped out" more than it was just a few weeks ago. I could really start seeing a bulge around 11 weeks and it's only getting bigger with each week. So far, I've gained about 3-4 pounds, which is the norm for most women in their first trimester.
I'm still not feeling any kicks or movement (which is normal for the 14th week), but hopefully in another month or two I'll be able to recognize those signs of life. We won't find out the sex of the baby until at least another month (yes we want to know!!!). My next OB visit is Tuesday, March 25th. I'm not suppose to have any ultrasounds done, but on a very exciting note, Tim and I should be able to hear Baby Breeden's heartbeat for the first time. We've been able to see Baby Breeden's heart flickering on the screen through the previous internal ultrasounds, but it will be so awesome to be able to hear it this time! Can't wait!
Laurie gave me a little yellow T-shirt with a stroller on it that says "that's how I roll".....too funny! My friend Carol (from work) gave me a little yellow onesie that is neutral for a boy or a girl. She thinks it's a girl, but I keep telling her not to "jinx" us. Though Tim and I will be happy with whatever God gives us, we are hoping for a baby boy. The Sneed side of the family (my family) is filled with girls, so we need a boy to break the trend! Tim's side of the family is a mixture of both, so it will be exciting either way for them. Ultimately, the most important thing is for us to have a healthy baby, but we are keeping our fingers crossed for a boy. I've always been somewhat of a tomboy, so I could never picture myself with anything other than a boy, but God may have a little girl in mind.....we'll see!!!
Tim has been a wonderful husband and "dad to be." He rubs my belly several times everyday and he has been more than patient with me on the days when I'm feeling pretty icky. I'm so blessed to have such a supportive hubby! He even cleared out the room that we will be converting into a nursery. We have yet to get any furniture, but at least the room is ready for Tim's mom to paint a mural on the walls....I'll explain more about that in another post.
Tomorrow is's hard to believe that this time next year I'll probably have my baby dressed up in some ridiculous bunny outfit (think of the movie "A Christmas Story," ha, ha!....just kidding; I won't torture my kid like that!). On a more serious note, I can't imagine how much it hurt God to see His one and only son endure all of the suffering on the cross just over two thousand years ago. However, if it weren't for that suffering, none of us would have the huge privilege of having eternal life. With that said, I hope and pray that each and every one of you reading this has accepted Christ as your Saviour. Though I haven't even seen my baby face to face yet, I already love him or her more than words can express; but, even with all of the love I'm capable of showing, it pales in comparison to God's love for us.
Happy Easter to all of you! I'll post again after my OB appointment on Tuesday! Also, (as you can already see up top) I'm posting pictures (that were taken today) that mark the end of my first trimester....check out that belly (there's definitely a baby in there)!
By the way, I don't know why the spacing keeps getting screwed up in between my paragraphs....I've tried to fix it several times already! I'm somewhat of a perfectionist when it comes to writing, so I just wanted to throw out the disclaimer that I realize that the spacing is messed up in this post!
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Special Shout-Out to my Mom and Sistas
After reading over my other posts, I don't think I've given enough credit to my loved ones. I really want my mom to know how much I love her and appreciate her. It's amazing to think that a little over 26 years ago, she was going through the same thing with me in her womb! I love you, Mom! My mom has been calling me just about every weekend to check up on me, and it means so much to hear from her. Mom is always very busy with work, so it's always special when she takes a break and we get to chat. I work in the same building at work as my dad, so we get to talk just about everyday. I've always been a "Daddy's girl," but I still wish I could spend more time with my mom.
Also, I love my sisters very much! They are my best friends! My older sister, Dawn (I always call her "Dawny"), has been pestering me for years to get pregnant so that I could join the adventures of parenthood with her. She already has two little girls of her own: my nieces Emily and Ruthie, ages 6 and 3. Dawn was so excited for me when I told her that Tim and I were trying to have kids. She was also very reassuring that everything would work out fine and in God's timing. So, thanks Dawn, for your enthusiasm and encouragement.
Then, there's my little sister Laurie who has already offered to throw me a baby shower. It turns out that I may just have two showers versus three, so I appreciate her taking on such a big task in planning out a shower for me. I'm sure Dawn will help her with the planning. Laurie is a lot like me; she plans on waiting a while before she has kids. She has only been married since last June, so her and her husband have PLENTY of time. However, it will be fun when my sisters and I all have kids of our own so that we can all share our adventures of parenthood with each other.
I also have my sister-in-law, Amber. She has been very excited for Tim and me. I appreciate all of her encouraging e-mails. She has offered to lend me some of her maternity clothes. She had Kenden in October, so most of her maternity clothes are for summer--which is what I'll be needing. Amber has also offered to throw me a shower, so I'm so appreciative of all of her generosity. I have the best in-laws ever! My mother and father-in-law are so wonderful to me!
I can't forget my grandmother, who has always been like a mom to me. My sisters and I used to spend the night with my grandparents all of the time when we were little. Grandma and Grandpa's house was our second home (and still is to this day, even though Grandpa's home is Heaven now). Even now, my grandma still calls to check up on me and make sure I'm surviving my first few months of pregnancy. She is 82 years old, but she has the heart and spirit of a young, vibrant lady. She has always been such a wonderful Christian example in my life. I hope I can be half as good as a role model to my child as she's been to me over the years. I love you, Grandma!
Last but not least, I am so thankful for all of my "sisters in Christ." I have a wonderful Sunday School class filled with great friends at Liberty Baptist Church. We all have a very special bond through the Holy Spirit. Just today in church, I could feel the Holy Spirit moving among all of us. Whenever any of us are going through struggles, we can always lift each other up in prayer and encourage each other. Thanks to all of you wonderful Christian warriors for helping me to be a better daughter of Christ.
There are so many more people I can include in this "shout-out:" my Nana, my family in Staunton, my friends at work, and a few close friends from high school (Melody, Kristen, Valorie, Chinita, etc.). Some of you may be wondering, "why is she going on and on rambling about all of these people in her life when this blog is suppose to be about the adventures of Baby Breeden?" Well, the answer to that is I realize that this time in my life isn't all about me. It's about all of those who have touched my life and made me who I am today. Each and every one of you who is reading this has had a positive impact on my life at some point or another. I appreciate all of you and I'm so thankful that you're sharing this special time in my life with me. I can't wait to introduce you to Baby Breeden in September!
Also, I love my sisters very much! They are my best friends! My older sister, Dawn (I always call her "Dawny"), has been pestering me for years to get pregnant so that I could join the adventures of parenthood with her. She already has two little girls of her own: my nieces Emily and Ruthie, ages 6 and 3. Dawn was so excited for me when I told her that Tim and I were trying to have kids. She was also very reassuring that everything would work out fine and in God's timing. So, thanks Dawn, for your enthusiasm and encouragement.
Then, there's my little sister Laurie who has already offered to throw me a baby shower. It turns out that I may just have two showers versus three, so I appreciate her taking on such a big task in planning out a shower for me. I'm sure Dawn will help her with the planning. Laurie is a lot like me; she plans on waiting a while before she has kids. She has only been married since last June, so her and her husband have PLENTY of time. However, it will be fun when my sisters and I all have kids of our own so that we can all share our adventures of parenthood with each other.
I also have my sister-in-law, Amber. She has been very excited for Tim and me. I appreciate all of her encouraging e-mails. She has offered to lend me some of her maternity clothes. She had Kenden in October, so most of her maternity clothes are for summer--which is what I'll be needing. Amber has also offered to throw me a shower, so I'm so appreciative of all of her generosity. I have the best in-laws ever! My mother and father-in-law are so wonderful to me!
I can't forget my grandmother, who has always been like a mom to me. My sisters and I used to spend the night with my grandparents all of the time when we were little. Grandma and Grandpa's house was our second home (and still is to this day, even though Grandpa's home is Heaven now). Even now, my grandma still calls to check up on me and make sure I'm surviving my first few months of pregnancy. She is 82 years old, but she has the heart and spirit of a young, vibrant lady. She has always been such a wonderful Christian example in my life. I hope I can be half as good as a role model to my child as she's been to me over the years. I love you, Grandma!
Last but not least, I am so thankful for all of my "sisters in Christ." I have a wonderful Sunday School class filled with great friends at Liberty Baptist Church. We all have a very special bond through the Holy Spirit. Just today in church, I could feel the Holy Spirit moving among all of us. Whenever any of us are going through struggles, we can always lift each other up in prayer and encourage each other. Thanks to all of you wonderful Christian warriors for helping me to be a better daughter of Christ.
There are so many more people I can include in this "shout-out:" my Nana, my family in Staunton, my friends at work, and a few close friends from high school (Melody, Kristen, Valorie, Chinita, etc.). Some of you may be wondering, "why is she going on and on rambling about all of these people in her life when this blog is suppose to be about the adventures of Baby Breeden?" Well, the answer to that is I realize that this time in my life isn't all about me. It's about all of those who have touched my life and made me who I am today. Each and every one of you who is reading this has had a positive impact on my life at some point or another. I appreciate all of you and I'm so thankful that you're sharing this special time in my life with me. I can't wait to introduce you to Baby Breeden in September!
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